Source code for redislite.patch

# Copyright (c) 2015, Yahoo Inc.
# Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License
# See the accompanying LICENSE.txt file for terms.
Functions to replace (monkeypatch) the redis module classes
with redislite classes.
import collections
import logging
import os
import redis
from .client import Redis, StrictRedis

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=C0103

original_classes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)  # pragma: no cover
Redis_Patched = False
StrictRedis_Patched = False

[docs]def patch_redis_Redis(dbfile=None): """ This class patches the redis module to replace the :class:`redis.Redis()` class with the redislite enhanced :class:`redislite.Redis()` class that uses the embedded redis server. Example: patch_redis_Redis('/tmp/redis.db') Notes: If the dbfile parameter is not passed, each instance of the redis.Redis() class with no arguments will get a separate redis server. If the dbfile parameter is provided, all instances of the redis.Redis() class without a host or path argument will share/reference the same redis server. Args: dbfile(str): The name of the Redis db file to be used. If this argument is passed all instances of the :class:`redis.Redis` class will share a single embedded redis server. Returns: This function does not return any values. """ global original_classes global Redis_Patched if Redis_Patched:'redis.Redis class has already been patched.') return if dbfile: if dbfile == os.path.basename(dbfile): dbfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dbfile) Redis.dbdir = os.path.dirname(dbfile) Redis.dbfilename = os.path.basename(dbfile) Redis.settingregistryfile = os.path.join( Redis.dbdir, Redis.dbfilename + '.settings' ) original_classes['Redis'] = redis.Redis redis.Redis = Redis Redis_Patched = True
[docs]def unpatch_redis_Redis(): """ This class unpatches the :class:`redis.Redis()` class of the redis module and restores the original :class:`redis.Redis()` class. Example: unpatch_redis_Redis() Returns: This function does not return any values. """ global original_classes global Redis_Patched if original_classes['Redis']: # pragma: no cover redis.Redis = original_classes['Redis'] original_classes['Redis'] = None Redis_Patched = False
[docs]def patch_redis_StrictRedis(dbfile=None): """ This class patches the redis module to replace the :param dbfile: :class:`redis.StrictRedis()` class with the redislite enhanced :class:`redislite.StrictRedis()` class that uses the embedded redis server. Example: patch_redis_StrictRedis('/tmp/redis.db') Notes: If the dbfile parameter is not passed, all :class:`redis.StrictRedis()` class with no arguments will get a separate redis server. If the dbfile parameter is provided, all instances of the :class:`redis.Redis()` class passed with the same dbfile value will share/reference the same redis server. Args: dbfile(str): The name of the Redis db file to be used. If this argument is passed all instances of the :class:`redis.Redis` class will share a single instance of the embedded redis server. Returns: This function does not return any values. """ global original_classes global StrictRedis_Patched if StrictRedis_Patched:'redis.StrictRedis class has already been patched') return if dbfile: if dbfile == os.path.basename(dbfile): dbfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dbfile) StrictRedis.dbdir = os.path.dirname(dbfile) StrictRedis.dbfilename = os.path.basename(dbfile) StrictRedis.settingregistryfile = os.path.join( StrictRedis.dbdir, StrictRedis.dbfilename + '.settings' ) original_classes['StrictRedis'] = redis.StrictRedis redis.StrictRedis = StrictRedis StrictRedis_Patched = True
[docs]def unpatch_redis_StrictRedis(): """ This class unpatches the :class:`redis.StrictRedis()` class of the redis module and restores the original :class:`redis.StrictRedis()` class. Example: unpatch_redis_StrictRedis() Returns: This function does not return any values. """ global original_classes global StrictRedis_Patched if original_classes['StrictRedis']: # pragma: no cover redis.StrictRedis = original_classes['StrictRedis'] original_classes['StrictRedis'] = None StrictRedis_Patched = False
[docs]def patch_redis(dbfile=None): """ Patch all the redis classes provided by redislite that have been patched. Example: patch_redis('/tmp/redis.db') Notes: If the dbfile parameter is not passed, each any instances of :class:`redis.StrictRedis()` class with no arguments will get a unique instance of the redis server. If the dbfile parameter is provided, all instances of :class:`redis.Redis()` will share/reference the same instance of the redis server. Args: dbfile(str): The name of the Redis db file to be used. If this argument is passed all instances of the :class:`redis.Redis()` class will share a single instance of the embedded redis server. Returns: This function does not return any values. """ for patch in [patch_redis_Redis, patch_redis_StrictRedis]: patch(dbfile)
[docs]def unpatch_redis(): """ Unpatch all the redis classes provided by :mod:`redislite` that have been patched. Example: unpatch_redis() """ for unpatch in [unpatch_redis_Redis, unpatch_redis_StrictRedis]: unpatch()